Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

Proven Strategies For Your Louisville Divorce

Proven Strategies for Your Louisville Divorce - Family Law Attorney

Are you searching for proven strategies for your Louisville divorce?  If you are contemplating the end of a marriage it is important to develop not only your objectives for the divorce, but preparation and planning to ensure you achieve the best possible outcome in the process.

After decades of experience in Louisville divorce and family law cases I can share many helpful strategies that will help to make the process more manageable, reduce the time and costs associated with the divorce, as well as preparations to help manage and reduce the emotions and stress of your divorce.

What is most important to you? What concerns keeps you up at night?  How do you put yourself in the best position to accomplish your goals and prepare for life going forward?  Are there a few proven strategies for your Louisville divorce that you should consider?

It may surprise you to learn the Court will carefully observe every action and communication of both parties.  This is especially true if there are children involved.  The manner with which you conduct yourself will have a substantial impact on the process and outcomes associated with your divorce.

1. Make a decision to keep your emotions in check, especially when communicating with the other party. Kentucky is a no fault divorce state, and the Court simply won’t want to hear about or consider many of things that have happened in the past.  It is important to separate and manage the issues associated with the divorce from any challenges you may be facing due to feelings of disappointment, anger, or even betrayal.  You will need the support of family and friends as well as a strategy to care for yourself. There are important issues ahead of you, and emotional decisions are rarely good decisions.  You are bound to face challenging days and rough stretches.  I can tell you there will also be several moments of calm reflection and resolution.  It is best to focus on the issue at hand, one step at a time.

You need to presume that everything you write or communicate will be placed before the Judge as well as everyone you know.  Every voicemail, text, email, or note can and will become evidence in a divorce. The Judge is constantly assessing everything about you.  This is especially true if children are involved.  The substance and tone of all communications can and will impact how the judge perceives you as well as your ability to share parenting responsibilities.

2. If you are a parent, you need to focus on “the best interests of the child(ren).”  This is the standard the Court will apply.  A central focus of Kentucky’s child custody and visitation law is based upon a simple question: “What is in the best interests of the child(ren)?”  Each child has their own unique patterns, needs and schedule.  If you want to maximize the time you will spend with each child during and after the divorce it is important to participate in every aspect of their life.  How involved are you in every aspect of their life, from the moment they wake up until the moment they close their eyes to go to sleep?

The divorce will affect each child in a different way.  You are going to face your own challenges and often a broad spectrum of emotions.  Do you have a good counselor who can help to guide you and the children through the process?  One of the best and most proven strategies for your Louisville divorce as a parent who is concerned about custody and visitation, is to consistently focus on the best interests of each child, while remaining consistently engaged in every aspect of their life.

3. Do you want to reduce the time and costs associated with your divorce? The expense of your divorce and the time it will take are directly associated with areas of disagreement between you and your former spouse, as well as your ability to work through and resolve them. There are genuine issues of principle and important goals that are worth striving for.  We are prepared to help you to protect and achieve those goals and objectives. There are also times that require some give and take.  Divorce is rarely (if ever) an “all or nothing” thing.  Ask us about proven negotiation strategies and how to use effective communications to achieve your objectives.

4. Speaking of goals and objectives, what is most important to you?  What are the areas you feel strongest about? Your experienced Dodd & Dodd attorney will provide sound insight and strategies based upon extensive experience in Louisville divorce and family law matters.  We help our clients to gain a genuine understanding and perspective on each step of the process, and how to accomplish important goals and priorities in their divorce.  The best strategy is to handle what is in front of you, one moment at a time.  Manage your communications and remember that the Judge is closely observing how you comport yourself.  That perception will have a substantial impact on a successful outcome in your divorce case.

What are some of the most effective and proven strategies for your Louisville divorce? What is keeping you awake at night?  What concerns you the most?  We want to help.

We hope you have found some initial ideas to help you to prepare for your divorce or family law matter here in the Louisville area.  Draw on our decades of experience and the sound advice and counsel we provide based upon these years of service.

If you are considering a divorce we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and the legal industry and contact Dodd & Dodd or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.

The quality and experience of your Dodd & Dodd attorney will not only make a strong impact on accomplishing your goals and objectives for the divorce, it will help to establish a strong and successful path for the future.