Why should you be careful of parental alienation in your divorce? Can the actions of either parent ultimately affect long term child custody and parenting time orders? For parents in Kentucky and across the country, divorce can be challenging in both a practical and emotional sense. The issues that arise as a parent begin with...
How Will Emails Affect Your Divorce in Louisville
How will emails affect your divorce in Louisville or Jefferson County? Most of us rely upon email as a primary means of communication. If you are considering a divorce or are in the midst of a divorce in Louisville or Jefferson County you need to consider a few things regarding emails, as well as texts,...
What Happens to Your Business During a Divorce
What happens to your business during a divorce in Louisville or anywhere in Jefferson County Kentucky? Generally speaking, the spouse who has the ownership interest in the business must buy out the marital property interest of the non-ownership spouse. When both spouses are working together sharing joint interest of the business there are three likely...
How to Maintain Control and Influence over Your Louisville Divorce
How can you maintain control and influence over your Louisville divorce? What should your strategy look like if you wish to complete your divorce in Louisville in the shortest possible time frame and in a cost-effective manner? There are two primary issues to keep in mind as you enter the process of a divorce in...