What are the best strategies to protect your professional practice or business during your divorce in Louisville? Will your business interest be a part of the marital property settlement or will it be classified as "separate" property? These are crucial questions for any business or professional practice owner who is considering a divorce. Generally speaking,...
A Prior Record of Domestic Violence May Affect Your Divorce
A prior record of domestic violence may affect your divorce and crucial aspects such as child custody and maintenance. Kentucky residents, and those across the country, are all too familiar with stories of relationships gone bad. Domestic violence cases are constant fodder for the tabloids and news websites. The extreme situation is one where the...
Handling the Holidays after a Divorce
Kentucky readers know that the holidays can be very stressful. However, handling the holidays after a divorce can be especially daunting for families who have recently experienced the separation or divorce. The prospect of dealing with former spouses and divvying up holiday time with the kids can seem positively overwhelming. Luckily, experts say it is...
Is it a Race File for a Divorce After the Holidays
We are often asked "is it a race to file for a divorce after the holidays in Louisville?" Who files first in a divorce action is actually often of little consequence except and unless the matter actually goes to trial. Even then the advantage for the party who filed for divorce is often slight. As...