What should you be considering when working to develop parenting plans for children above the age of 5? Child custody and parenting plans present some of the most consistently difficult challenges for those seeking to divorce in Louisville. The experienced attorneys at Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC provide sound advice and counsel based upon decades...
Are You Prepared to Support Your Former Spouse as a Co-Parent After Divorce?
Are you prepared to support your former spouse as a co-parent after divorce? You may be surprised to learn there is no legal presumption in Louisville family law courts that "shared" or "equal" parenting time and child custody are required though they may be preferred. Our judges are looking out for the best interests of...
How Long Will a Divorce Take in Louisville?
One of the questions we are asked most often is "How long will a divorce take in Louisville?" The least amount of time required for a divorce is a week or two in an uncontested divorce based upon Kentucky family law and the 60 day live apart rule. In the majority of cases, any time...
How Can a Forensic Accountant Help in a Divorce?
How can a forensic accountant help in a divorce in Louisville? What is a forensic accountant and why would it be necessary to properly identify and value the assets within marital property. The two primary reasons for a forensic accountant in a divorce is to help identify the valuation of financial assets and find hidden...