Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Maintenance Orders in Long Term Marriages

What determines maintenance orders in long term marriages which end in a divorce in Louisville?  Generally speaking our courts consider a long term marriage as one which lasted more than ten years.  In these cases the court will often consider either a more substantive maintenance, a longer term of support or a combination of both....

Planning and Sound Legal Advice are Keys to a Successful Divorce

Have you reached the point where you are considering the end of your marriage?  Planning and sound legal advice are keys to a successful divorce in Louisville.  The experienced family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC provide our clients with a sound understanding of the process of a divorce, as well as advice...

How to Keep Your Divorce Less Painful and More Cost Effective

Are you searching for ways to keep your divorce less painful and more cost effective?  The experienced experienced Louisville family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd have served Louisville for decades.  We understand the consequences of a divorce upon you and your family.   Is it possible to reduce the stress and emotional burden of a...