It is important for you to know there are legal limitations on traveling with children during your Louisville divorce. Once divorce paperwork is filed, your complete freedom to travel with your children at will becomes a bit more limited and complex. If you wish to leave area or the State of Kentucky with a child...
Common Questions Regarding Louisville Child Custody
What are some of the common questions regarding Louisville child custody in divorce cases? Here are a few of the questions we often receive: Can the child pick the parent they wish to live with? Many people are under the false impression that a child can choose one parent over the other once they reach...
Identifying the Value of a Spouse’s Business in a Louisville Divorce
What is the process for identifying the value of a spouse's business in a Louisville divorce? The most important thing you need to know as the spouse of a business owner is this: Your spouse will not have anything to say or do with the actual valuation of that business interest. That will be determined...
Maintain Good Communications With Your Former Spouse During a Divorce
It is important to maintain good communications with your former spouse during a Louisville divorce. Divorce is obviously a very emotional and stressful time. There are personal issues between you and your spouse which have resulted in this break. So this obviously has to be a contentious battle, right? Actually, quite the opposite. There are...