Why is it important to work with an experienced Louisville divorce lawyer and how can this actually save you money? No one enters into marriage expecting to ultimately seek a divorce but there does come a point in time when a marriage may no longer be sustainable. What does it take to complete a successful...
Mediation Can Reduce Three Primary Factors in Divorce: Time, Emotional Stress and Cost
Mediation can reduce three primary factors in divorce - time, emotional stress and cost. You have much more control over your divorce in mediation than you would before a judge so take advantage of the opportunity to manage the process, make some of your own rules and enjoy one of the most beneficial strategies for...
Is Mediation a Good Strategy in a Louisville Divorce?
What is mediation and is mediation a good strategy in a Louisville divorce? Mediation is a cost effective and timely alternative to resolving differences in a Louisville divorce, child custody & visitation, child support, maintenance or family law dispute through litigation in a Court of Law. Mediation is designed to bring the parties in a...
Is Divorce Mediation Required in a Louisville Divorce
Is divorce mediation required in a Louisville divorce case? Technically speaking, if the parties are in complete agreement on every aspect of the settlement agreement it can be submitted as an uncontested divorce for review and approval of the Court without the need for mediation. While mediation is not an absolute requirement of divorce in...