Can you protect your privacy during a Louisville divorce? What steps should you consider to keep embarrassing, private, financial, medical or sensitive information out of the public record? One of the first ways to protect your privacy during a Louisville divorce is to develop and implement a strategy for communications and social media. You need...
How Does a Borderline Personality Disorder Affect Your Louisville Divorce
Are you considering a divorce in Louisville and has your spouse been diagnosed or do you suspect they may have Borderline Personality Disorder? How does a Borderline Personality Disorder affect your Louisville divorce case? If you are concerned about Borderline Personality Disorder in any Louisville family law case you will need the experienced, proven counsel...
Do You Have to Battle It Out in Court in a Louisville Divorce?
Many people falsely presume they will have to battle it out in Court in a Louisville divorce in order to resolve areas where the parties are not in agreement. This is not always the case and a lot of these presumptions are based upon portrayals of celebrity cases in the media and in TV shows...
How Does Divorce Mediation in Louisville Work
How does divorce mediation in Louisville work? What do you need to know about mediation as an option if you are considering a divorce in Louisville? For years, divorce has portrayed as a dramatic and adversarial battle in a courtroom. There are issues which must be resolved before a Family Court Judge here in Louisville,...