What is Parallel Parenting and Co-Parenting after a divorce in Louisville. A recent article in Psychology Today provides insight into two styles of parenting children following a divorce. Our Louisville Family Courts are very flexible in what they are willing to consider as part of a parenting plan. While creativity and existing rhythms of each...
Resolving Disputes in a Louisville Visitation Plan
One of the biggest challenges facing those seeking a divorce in Louisville is child custody. Resolving disputes in a Louisville visitation plan is crucial to completing your divorce. This will also have a substantial impact on the cost associated with your divorce and the time it takes to complete the process. The experienced child custody...
Creating a Parenting Plan in a Louisville Divorce
Creating a parenting plan in a Louisville divorce is one of the most important and often contentious issues. The parenting plan addresses part of the child custody issues associated with a divorce: How time with the child(ren) will be shared by the parents of the child(ren) While it may be a myth that Kentucky law...
What are the Common Elements of a Successful Parenting Plan in Louisville
What are the common elements of a successful parenting plan in Louisville? Are there things the potential co-parents can do to lessen the impact of a divorce on their child(ren)? The short answer is “Yes!” there are definitely choices successful co-parents make in order to lessen the impact of a divorce on their child(ren) while...