Are you interested in a designing a customized parenting plan in your Louisville divorce? What do you need to know if you are a parent who is considering a divorce in Louisville? A divorce which involves children is actually quite a complex matter. Ultimately the Court must either decide upon or approve a parenting plan...
Your Summer Vacation Trip While Co-Parenting
Are you in the midst of planning or about to take your summer vacation trip while co-parenting? This is the time of year when we are asked about the challenges of taking a vacation with children after a divorce when you plan to go out of the area or out of the State of Kentucky....
What Details Should Be Included in a Louisville Parenting Plan
We are often asked what details should be included in a Louisville parenting plan and how detailed the plan needs to be. A parenting plan is an important part of any Louisville divorce which involves children. The parenting plan should be as detailed as possible and should reflect considerations for any potential challenges which might...
Parenting Plans in a Louisville Divorce
Parents who are ending their marriages are finding it easier to agree upon the use of parenting plans in a Louisville divorce. The written parenting plan document outlines important issues regarding the children. This includes, but is not limited to the time each child will spend with each parent and how decisions affecting the child...