Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC Louisville Kentucky

(502) 584-1108

Temporary Maintenance in a Louisville Divorce

Will I Get Maintenance During and After my Louisville Divorce

One of the first issues Dodd & Dodd often manages for our clients is the request for an order of temporary maintenance in a Louisville divorce. The court recognizes the need to maintain a fairly level playing field between the spouses during a divorce, and there are many grounds to request an award of temporary maintenance to provide financial stability and to help offset much of the cost of moving forward with a Jefferson County or Louisville divorce.

Temporary maintenance is often awarded in cases where one of the spouse earns less than the other, and is usually requested within an immediate time frame at the beginning of the divorce process. If your spouse has moved out you may need the help to keep the mortgage on your home current or to keep up with the rent payments.

The length of time of your marriage as well as both parties health and lifestyle prior to the divorce will have a substantial impact on the amount and duration of temporary maintenance in a Louisville divorce. Maintenance is not a clearly established formula or calculation under Kentucky law. Our judges are guided by an extensive list of factors and issues to consider prior to an award of maintenance.

Dodd & Dodd’s experienced divorce and family law attorneys may request additional temporary orders for child support and other important financial and safety related precautions. The divorce case must be opened prior to an award of temporary maintenance or child support.

Questions such as temporary maintenance in a Louisville divorce should be part of your initial divorce planning. This is why we invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys. We will discuss your questions and help to ensure you have the resources necessary to begin and complete the divorce, or respond and protect your interests if your spouse has already filed papers.