Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Are Texts Admissible in a Louisville Divorce

Are Texts Admissible in a Louisville Divorce – Family Law Attorneys

Are texts admissible in a Louisville divorce?  Today, many former spouses going through the process of a divorce here in Louisville communicate via texts.  A texting conversation can escalate quite quickly and it is not uncommon for a heated discussion to occur in this context.  Texts can go on and on, and often contain statements or communications that our clients believe would be good “evidence” in a contested divorce case.

While many texts are admissible, some text conversations are not admissible in a divorce case, as they are considered “hearsay” evidence.  While some exclusions apply, the majority of these conversations between the parties themselves may be admitted into evidence through the discovery process making texts admissible in a Louisville divorce.   This can make a significant difference in matters relating to child custody and parenting time.

While texts are in writing, there are many defenses that exist to rebut the admission of this evidence in a contested divorce case.  The defense often points to the ongoing nature of a text conversation, and that the statement would be part of a longer-term conversation that “has been going on for months.”

This may be challenged when the party who wrote the text is a direct participant and named party within a divorce action.  The experienced litigators at Dodd & Dodd may be able to challenge the admissibility of a text when specific components of Kentucky law are met.  Under one exception to the “hearsay” laws of evidence, we could argue that the statement constituted an “admission by a party opponent” and successfully use the statement(s) as evidence.

The key to making texts admissible in a Louisville divorce as in all contested divorce actions throughout Jefferson County, is the legal skill and experience of your divorce attorney.

If you are involved in heavily combative text conversations with a former spouse during a divorce and would like legal advice and sound counsel, we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.