Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Are You Tired of Trying to Complete a Divorce on Your Own in Louisville

Tired of Trying to Complete a Divorce on Your Own in Louisville Kentucky

Are you tired of trying to complete a divorce on your own in Louisville?  Have you already invested hours and hours of your own time, taken time off of work and struggled with the motions and paperwork associated with your case?  Did you think an issue such as maintenance or child custody and visitation was resolved only to appear before the Court to hear strong words from the Judge regarding the facts, documents or incomplete issues associated with your case?  You are not alone.

The facts in these cases are clear: while more than 80% of divorces in Kentucky are filed by one of the parties without legal counsel, less than half of those divorces can be completed without both parties being represented by an attorney. Many people are simply trying to save what they perceive to be are the costs of an attorney for things they believe they can handle on their own.

The truth about the cost of your divorce and the time it will take to complete is a surprise to most self-filers: The cost of your divorce and the amount of time required to complete it are directly associated with the amount of disagreement between you and your former spouse and your ability to resolve those issues and reach agreement.  If you are tired of trying to complete a divorce on your own in Louisville you already probably realize the difficulty in settling complex issues.  You may realize that legal documents must be completely in order for a Judge to review and approve them.  Any error in these documents will come back to haunt you down the road, long after you thought the process was finished.

For example, a simple error in the paperwork associated with the division of a retirement account or pension can literally cost you tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.  The division of these accounts is not accomplished by the order of the Court, but by very technical and precise instructions provided to and accepted by the administrator of the account or pension in question.

If you are tired of trying to complete a divorce on your own in Louisville, your former spouse has lawyered up, you can’t resolve genuine issues of disagreement and after months or even more than a year you aren’t near to completing your divorce you need our help. We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.

We will work with you no matter where you are in the process, identify your goals and objectives and work to accomplish them while finishing your divorce.