What are some of your biggest questions about a Louisville Divorce? What keeps you awake at night? What is it that brings that pit in your stomach when you think about it? If your answer is “everything” it’s absolutely understandable. However, when you get down to it, there’s usually one or two things which most concern you about the prospect of divorce.
It’s one of the questions we ask our clients in our first meeting: “What are you most worried about?” We are often able to provide enough insight and information into not only the genuine issue(s) but how things are likely to go in a given divorce case. This most often allows our clients to leave that first meeting (and subsequent meetings and conversations!) with a sense of relief and the ability to get to work on something. It’s the ability to get to work, to move forward, to learn more or to focus your mind on an issue or task which actually begins the process of lightening the load you may be feeling.
Some of your biggest questions about a Louisville divorce may involve issues surrounding your child(ren) such as how is child custody and visitation decided? What’s going to happen to the family home? How is the money going to work out? Will I have enough income and resources to have a life after the divorce is over?
Another common question involves the ownership of or an interest in a business or professional practice. Owners of a business are often worried about how they are going to keep their company during and after the divorce. One of the largest assets many people overlook involves retirement. It is quite common for one of the largest (if not THE largest) assets in a divorce to be a retirement account or pension such as KTRS (Kentucky Teachers Retirement System) or KPPA (Kentucky Public Pensions Authority). How is this all going to work out?
What are some of your biggest questions about a Louisville divorce and what are your greatest fears about the future? Our clients, and most people who have gone through a divorce will tell you that heavy weight will begin to be lifted when you start asking questions of our Divorce and family law attorneys and gain insight and knowledge into your own unique circumstances. Your biggest questions are associated with what matters most to you in this moment. You need answers in order to begin to feel better and move forward.
We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.