Do you know what to do if a co-parent consistently misses visits with the child(ren) in Louisville? What should you do if there are consistent issues with tardiness, late transitions or returns or missed time without any communications whatsoever?
Child custody and parenting time orders were issued by the Judge in your case. These orders apply during the divorce and in the months and years which follow. The Court generally retains jurisdiction for the duration of child custody and parenting time orders which usually extend until the age of 18 or graduation from high school (whichever is later).
One should be flexible as you share co-parenting responsibilities. There will always be the occasional illness (of either the child or the co-parent) and sometimes things just come up. However, it is important to pay attention to patterns and to document each instance when a co-parent consistently misses visits with the children.
If you are concerned about persistent issues with existing child custody and parenting time orders it is time to contact the experienced and proven divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd. The central issue here is the best interests of the child. Children usually quickly adapt to the patterns of a shared custody situation. It is obvious to most (and to the Court) that it can be emotionally troubling for the child in these circumstances. Children often interpret these behaviors as a form of rejection. This can actually become a serious health issue for the child.
The good news is child custody and parenting time orders may be modified to reflect the changes which occur in the lives of each co-parent and/or the child(ren). It may be necessary to modify existing orders. If both co-parents agree, a written agreement should be submitted to the Court for review and approval. In cases where the parties are not able to work through these challenges or when the relationship is contentious the Court may need to review what is happening. The Judge may decide to update existing orders to reflect changes, behavioral anomalies and other realities in order to protect the best interests of the child(ren).
If you are concerned when a co-parent consistently misses visits with the children or is showing signs associated with parental alienation it is important act quickly to protect your child(ren). We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and the legal industry and contact Dodd & Dodd or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.