Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Will I Get Maintenance in my Louisville Divorce

Will I Get Maintenance in my Louisville Divorce - Spousal Support

We are often asked “Will I get maintenance in my Louisville divorce?”  The answer to this question about spousal support or alimony is much more complex than questions surrounding child support.  Unlike the Kentucky child support estimation calculator, spousal maintenance is not an immediately calculable number.

What is the purpose of maintenance?  How long will maintenance last (duration)?  How much will maintenance be?  Will spousal maintenance be awarded in your case?

Generally speaking, the purpose of spousal maintenance is to somewhat level the financial balance between the parties during the divorce to keep it as similar as possible to the standard of living the parties experienced throughout the course of their marriage.  It is also important to make sure each spouse has the resources necessary to manage the process of a divorce.

“Temporary” spousal support or maintenance is usually ordered toward the beginning of a divorce if necessary.  Temporary orders are in place until final agreements or decisions are rendered in your case. Temporary alimony or maintenance is often higher than permanent orders.

“Permanent” maintenance is an order generated toward the end of the divorce, and covers the period from that point forward.  It is important to note that “permanent” doesn’t mean “forever.”  In fact, in most cases the Judge is going to ask the recipient of maintenance to become self-sustaining within a specific period of time.

Kentucky law provides a number of factors for the Judge in your case to consider.  These include, but are not limited to:

  • The length of your marriage
  • The standard of living you enjoyed while married
  • The ability of each spouse to earn a living
  • The health of each spouse
  • The support one spouse has provided the other such as leaving a career to manage the household and the children
  • Did one of the spouses support the other as they sought a professional license or advanced degree?
  • The financial position of each party prior to, during and after the divorce

In many cases, the question of “will I get maintenance in my Louisville divorce?” begins with a review the factors above.  The duration of the maintenance can either be short term or long term.  This is usually determined primarily by the length of the underlying marriage and the level of support one spouse has provided to another.  Sacrifices made on behalf of the marriage, such as leaving a career to raise children and/or manage the household must be considered.

Maintenance or spousal support is not guaranteed, and if and when it is awarded the time frame is usually limited by many factors.  In most cases, the duration and amount of spousal maintenance is negotiated between the parties and their counsel or resolved through mediation.  When the parties cannot reach agreement the Judge in your case will weigh many factors before issuing temporary or permanent orders in your case.

The question of “Will I get maintenance in my Louisville divorce” is quite legally complex.  This is why it is important to protect your interest and to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and the legal industry and contact Dodd & Dodd or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.