What are some of the best strategies for supporting your children through a divorce in Jefferson County? Many psychologists focus on helping the child to see the divorce as a change of circumstances and not the end of the world. This perspective combined with both parents remaining emotionally as well as physically involved in the...
Is it Harder for a Business Owner in a Divorce?
Is it harder for a business owner in a divorce in Louisville or Jefferson County? Kentucky business owners may wish to learn more about how their business will be handled in a divorce. Business owners who are facing the end of a marriage may confront challenges which simply aren't relevant to other couples. You've poured...
Temporary Maintenance in a Louisville Divorce
One of the first issues Dodd & Dodd often manages for our clients is the request for an order of temporary maintenance in a Louisville divorce. The court recognizes the need to maintain a fairly level playing field between the spouses during a divorce, and there are many grounds to request an award of temporary...
Managing Your Emotions in a Louisville Divorce Will Save Time and Money
Did you know that managing your emotions in a Louisville divorce will save time and money while enhancing peace of mind? Let's be candid - divorce is a very emotional thing for most people. This isn't going to be easy, but you can make a few choices which will make the experience easier for you...